viernes, 5 de diciembre de 2014

 Unit 7

1.-   Leaflet:    

       Synonyms: Flyer, Handbill, Circular     
       An educational leaflet has been published about the exhibition contents.
2.-   Fare:
       Synonyms: Price, Passage   
       In case they are accompanied, the bus fare of the accompanying parent is refunded too.
3.-   Suitcase:     
       Synonyms: Case, grip, satchel, bag     
       This is take the results, place them in a suitcase andthrow them in the garbage,
4.-   Bargain:       
       Synonyms: Good value, good deal, discount, reduction, arked-down, price     
       It is the perfect place for bargain hunting .
5.-   Researsh:     
       Synonyms: Investigating, investigative, exploratory    
       In such cases, research should focus on the blockages to implementation.
6.-   Magazine:     
       Synonyms: book, bulletin, diurnal, gazette.      
       Almost forty years ago I saw an article ina magazine about sponsoring children.
7.-   Relatives:     
       Synonyms: cousin, kin, kinsman, relation.  
       Access to justice for the victims andrelatives is a critical issue.
8.-   Enough:      Synonyms: adequately, satisfactorily, sufficiently, suitably.    
       Just knowing how to use the washing machine is not enough.
9.-   Should:     
       Synonyms: have (to), must, ought (to), shall, should    
       The number should multiply in the years thereafter. 
10.- Certainly
       Synonyms:  all right, alright, assuredly      
       This is encouraging, yet certainlyinsufficient. 

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