lunes, 8 de diciembre de 2014

Evaluación 4
Esta fue una evaluación oral en la que me desempeñe bastante bien salvo por algunos errores se evaluó contenido visto en unidades anteriores como de rutinas, descripción de personas, entre otros
Evaluación 3
En esta Prueba Me fue bien por que estudie mucho en la prueba solo me equivoque en una parte que no leí bien la instrucción, en la prueba se evaluaron contenidos tales como el have got y has got
Evaluacion 2
En esta evaluacion aprendimos como describir rutinas y acciones del dia a dia y describir cosas comunes, Tambien aprendimos a elavorar preguntas completas.
Primera Evaluacion

En esta evaluacion aprendimos a buscar buenas ofertas y de calidad para viajar ademas a conocer los detalles ya sea de los hoteles y restaurantes, ademas aprendimos las credenciales que se necesitan para los distintos tipos de viajes
Unit 12
  1.- Graduating:
       Synonym: Convocation.
       Jaime Hayon studied at the IED Madrid as part of the firsgraduating class in industrial design.
  2.- Masters degree:
       Synonym: Bachelor's
       I was raised poor and didn't think I could go to college, but now a masters degree is in my future.
  3.- Retired: 
       Synonym: Elderly
       The retired cross-border worker maintains his rights in the country in which he worked.
  4.- Promotion
       Synonym: Advance
       We didn't ask them because of the promotion thing.
  5.- Expensive:
       Synonym: Costly
       This house will host visitors as well because hotels arexpensive.
  6.- Afford:
       Synonym: Allow
       We can afford it anso can the other developed countries. 
  7.- Busy:
       Synonym: Active
       It is governed by political gnomes busy jealously guarding their small treasure.
  8.- Plans:
       Synonym: Arrangement
       The Government plans to submit proposals to this effect.
  9.- I Guess:
       Synonym: Assumption
       I guess we should not have been surprised that democracy always wins in the end.
10.- Rewarding:
       Synonym: Advantageous
       Being an advocate on a board or planning council can be very rewarding
Unit 10

1  .-  Communicating:
        Synonym: Advertise
        However, communicating effectively about sustainable lifestyles is a challenge.
2   .- Spam
        Synonym: Hard Sell
        Please note that communications might be filtered ouas spam.
3   .- Video Conferencing
        Synonym: Videochat
        Many have been linked by a video conferencing service
4   .- Cheap: 
        Synonym: Economical
        This is source of joy and of light, but it is not offered on the cheap.
5   .- Linking: 
        Synonym: Joining
        Modern communications linking thpeople of Mongolia. 
6   .- Noise:
        Synonym: Blast
        He went to bed but could not fall asleep because of the noise.
7   .- Message:
        Synonym: Directive
        As Mahatma Gandhi said: 'My life imymessage'
8   .- Mistake:
        Synonym: Aberration
        This mistake wacorrected prior to conclusion of the contract.
9   .- Burning
        Synonym: Fiery 
        How can I find out the status of the disc amburning
10 .- Situations:
        Synonym: Positions
        In both situations, the decision was final and not subject to review.
Unit 11
1  .- Look at:
       Synonym: Find out
       We have been tryinto look at issues of equality.
2  .- Heavy:
       Synonym: Massive
       Heavy objects should always be lifted from a squatting position with a straight back.
3  .- Roommate: 
       Synonym: Rommie
       Her roommate gave him a "thumbs up" and the date was on.
4  .- Trendy:
       Synonym: Contemporary
       With a trendy design, colourful, compact and easy to use.
5  .- Wear:
       Synonym: Waste
       Tines are subject to much less wear - longer service life.
6  .- Pierced:
       Synonym: Spike
       His pierced on purpose that you may be pricked to the heart.
7  .- Shave:
       Synonym: Brush
       This ergonomically designed grip enables easy handling for a comfortable shave.
8  .- Corn rows:
       Synonym: Afro
       He was using a corn row.
9  .- Expressions:
       Synonym: Definitions
       They are the resulof expressions performed by people temporarily.
10.- Fashionable:
       Synonym: Upscale
       As a young man, although fashionable, habhorred everything sinful, even in word.

domingo, 7 de diciembre de 2014

Unit 9
  1.- Sprain:
       Synonym: Strain 
       A finger sprain usually results from a blow to the finger.
  2.- Embarrassed:
       Synonym: Ashamed
       The veteran director was distinctly embarrassed
  3.- Surprised:
       Synonym: Amazed
       Most observers were not surprised by the result
  4.- Bet:
       Synonym: Chance
       This is to better compare the bets with the end results
  5.- Served:
       Synonym: Dealt
       What information served as the basis for taking such decisions?
  6.- Kindness:
       Synonym: Afection
       You are known for your friendship, professionalism ankindness.
  7.- Briefcase:
       Synonym: Bag
       Keep them with you in your briefcase, office, car, and home
  8.- Anecdotes:
       Synonym: Episode
       He daily entertained me with new anecdotes at lunch and dinner. 
  9.- Camping:
       Synonym: Campaing
       There is also a camping area for 7 tents and 30 people.
10.- Snack:
       Synonym: Lunch
       Try adding a bedtime snack to your nightly routine
Unit 8

  1.- Wallet
       Synonym: Billfold
       I lost my wallet last night
  2.- Rug
       Synonym; Carpet
       I bought a green rug yesterday
  3.- To borrow
       Synonyms: pawn
       Can you borrow me a pencil please
  4.- Laundry
       Synonym: Washing, Wash.
       Today I did my laundry
  5.- To do dishes
       Synonym: wash platter
        Tomorrow is your turn to do the dishes
  6.- Tidy
       Synonym: ordered
       My brother is very tidy
  7.- Newspaper
       Synonym: Daily news
       I got the newspaper today in the morning
  8.- Armchair
       Synonym: Chair
       Five minutes ago I broke my armchair
  9.- Routine
       Synonym: Daily Schechule
       I have no sleep routine
10.- Faucet
       Synonym: hydrant
       My faycet is pouring to much water

viernes, 5 de diciembre de 2014

 Unit 7

1.-   Leaflet:    

       Synonyms: Flyer, Handbill, Circular     
       An educational leaflet has been published about the exhibition contents.
2.-   Fare:
       Synonyms: Price, Passage   
       In case they are accompanied, the bus fare of the accompanying parent is refunded too.
3.-   Suitcase:     
       Synonyms: Case, grip, satchel, bag     
       This is take the results, place them in a suitcase andthrow them in the garbage,
4.-   Bargain:       
       Synonyms: Good value, good deal, discount, reduction, arked-down, price     
       It is the perfect place for bargain hunting .
5.-   Researsh:     
       Synonyms: Investigating, investigative, exploratory    
       In such cases, research should focus on the blockages to implementation.
6.-   Magazine:     
       Synonyms: book, bulletin, diurnal, gazette.      
       Almost forty years ago I saw an article ina magazine about sponsoring children.
7.-   Relatives:     
       Synonyms: cousin, kin, kinsman, relation.  
       Access to justice for the victims andrelatives is a critical issue.
8.-   Enough:      Synonyms: adequately, satisfactorily, sufficiently, suitably.    
       Just knowing how to use the washing machine is not enough.
9.-   Should:     
       Synonyms: have (to), must, ought (to), shall, should    
       The number should multiply in the years thereafter. 
10.- Certainly
       Synonyms:  all right, alright, assuredly      
       This is encouraging, yet certainlyinsufficient.